How do I manage the comment list in a PDF drawing using PDF Blueprint?

A) Tabulate and Locate Function:

One of the main functions of Comment List is to tabulate all measurements, markups and annotations.

➢ Click on any markups or annotations in the Comment List to display and locate it on the drawing or wise versa.

➢ Click on any markups or annotations on the drawing to display and locate it on the Comment List or wise versa.

B) Manage Column Function:

You can add, remove, rename, display, hide or prioritize order of the columns.

➢ You can display, hide or prioritize order of the columns at the comment list.

➢ You are able to customize the column at the comment list by putting up additional columns.

➢ For an existing custom column, you can rename or remove it.

C) Comment Grouping and Sorting:

➢ Comments are grouped and sorted by comment type by default.

➢ You can click on the header of any column to group and sort by that column. Those with the same content in this column will be grouped together.

➢ Click on the + and - on the top left corner of the table header to expand and collapse all groups of comment.

➢ Click on the > and ∨ on the left of the comment groups row to expand or collapse the groups.

D) Filter by Columns

You are able to organize the comments by assigning filter to each column.

➢ Click on the Filter button to assign filter to each column.

➢ The comment list table will only display selected items, where you can manage the filter at each header of the column.

➢ You can set filter conditions for multiple columns at the same time.

E) Search

Enter the keyword that you want to search in the search box, and comments that similar to the keywords will be displayed below.

F) Edit Properties

➢ You can double-click on a grid in the comment list to edit the comment properties.

Note: Properties such as default comment type, page number, and measurement cannot be modified.

➢ You can also edit the properties of multiple comments at the same time by holding Ctrl or Shift and select multiple comments, and select the comment properties on the right-click.

G) Export

➢ Data in the comment list can be export to excel format according to user preferences.

➢ In the Export to Excel window, you can set the page range, comment type, column range, and save path.

➢ By left-clicking the 'Choose Columns' button, a pop-up window 'Column Selection' allow users to select the columns they wish to export to Excel based on their preferences.

Make sure your computer has installed PDFBlueprint, if not yet installed, please download the installation package from the official website and install it.

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Category: PDFBlueprint for Windows