One-click to "Auto Create Bookmarks", convenient and fast!

  • Still looking for the drawing you want from hundreds of PDF pages?
  • Exported for the sequence data without bookmarks and worry about it?
  • PlanForm launched a heavy function - Auto Create Bookmarks!
  • One key boxing, quickly create bookmarks for each page of PDF!

Here's the tutorial for the “Auto Create Bookmarks” function:

1. First of all, make sure your computer has installed PlanForm.

If not yet installed, please download the installation package from the official website and install it.

Official website:

2. Open a PDF drawing that you want to create a bookmark for.

3. Click on the “Auto Create Bookmarks” function. “Auto Create Bookmarks” function has three entrances:

1) Above the bookmarks bar

2) In the middle of the bookmarks bar (only when there are no bookmarks)

3) Under the OCR function

Tips: Before using “Auto Create Bookmarks”, you need to save the PDF!

4. In the pop-up window, select the page you want to create bookmarks, the default for all pages of the PDF, you can choose the current page or page range.

5. Click on the “Select”, boxing the content of the bookmarks need to be created. After the completion of boxing, PlanForm automatically start to recognize the boxed area of the selected page range.


1) When boxing, you can box as large as possible to ensure that different lengths of content can be fully recognized. But not too large, boxing irrelevant information, will affect the accuracy of recognition.

2) You can zoom in with the zoom function to enlarge the drawings, in order to box as accurately as possible.

6. After the end of recognition, in the pop-up window can view all the recognition results. Click on the recognition results can be localized to the page, view the original drawing content to check!

7. When encountering unsatisfactory recognition results, you can directly double-click the recognition results for modification, or right-click on the “Re-recognize selected pages” to re-box a region for recognition.

Tip: You can press the Shift key to continuously select multiple pages for re-recognition.

8. For the results do not need to create bookmarks, you can click the right button “delete”, the page will not create bookmarks.

9. Click on “Create Bookmarks”, if your PDF does not have a bookmark, it will automatically create bookmarks. If your PDF bookmarks exist, you will be prompted to “overwrite” or “append” to create bookmarks. “Overwrite” to create bookmarks will delete all existing bookmarks and then create bookmarks. "Append" to create bookmarks create bookmarks below the original bookmarks.

10. After creating bookmarks, click on the bookmark to jump to the corresponding page.


1) Before using “Auto Create Bookmarks” function, you need to save the PDF.

2) When choosing to “overwrite” to create bookmarks, you need to confirm that the original bookmarks can be deleted.

3) When the boxing region of the selected page does not recognize the text, the page will not create bookmarks.

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